What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff


The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent. It is evident that War Clouds are gathering. The signs are everywhere, with media coverage and open talk of war in many countries. The RAND Corporation have for years been preparing military scenarios for World War III, and NATO is reported to be currently doing so. Vast movements of NATO troops and equipment are either in preparation or process to surround Russia. The US is surrounding China with military bases including the world's largest in Guam. Both China and Russia are surrounded with nearly 400 US biological weapons labs. Iran is entirely vulnerable from the American military build-up in the Middle East.




Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Mandarin -- Benjamin Fulford: 19:09:2016

The Khazarian mafia is in a state of extreme panic following the death of their presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton on September 11th. Below is a screenshot of the ABC Television announcement of her death that was deleted from the internet.

hillary dead

The dragnet is now closing in on Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, Pentagon and agency sources say. Once that is exposed, the entire corrupt Washington DC establishment will crumble, the sources say.

This is what CIA sources say is planned next:
“We predicted Biden would be brought in 6+ months ago…Kaine, a disciple of the Central/ South American ‘liberation theologists’ will go along: one-term or less to Biden and the baton passed to Kaine ….this is the current plan, ready to be implemented.”

However, Pentagon sources say that on October 1st, immediately after the end of the US corporations’ fiscal year, a new gold backed currency and possibly an entirely unexpected new leader (possibly Canada’s Justin Trudeau), will be announced.

There will be high level negotiations between the Asians and the US military industrial complex this weekend to discuss these and other issues, White Dragon Society sources confirm.

The Khazarians, in full panic mode, are now using a computer graphics generated Hillary Clinton to create the impression that it is business as usual. To confirm this, please check the following video of Hillary that was broadcast after her “collapse” on September 11th. You can see the images on the smartphones being held up are entirely different from what is being shown on the stage (no Hillary, no flags). Also, if you go to the 20:15 mark, you can see her arm disappear, while Hillary herself vanishes at the 20:51 mark. See for yourself:

FULL: Hillary Clinton first speech since 9/11 spill …

FULL: Hillary Clinton first speech since 9/11 spill – North Carolina

So you have a political establishment that is so corrupt and degenerate that it is now trying to elect a CG President. That is simply not going to be allowed to happen, Pentagon and agency sources affirm.


A Donald Trump presidency is also looking more problematic because the Chinese, the largest creditors for the bankrupt US Corporation, are against him.

In any case, the rest of the world has clearly already decided to bail out on the US corporate government. In the past year, foreign central banks have dumped $343 billion worth of US government bonds and the sell off is accelerating.

It is not surprising they refuse to invest in a government that admits $6.5 trillion went missing from its military budget in 2015 alone. Agency sources say the $6.5 trillion was laundered through the Clinton Foundation and spent on “the USAP. Unacknowledged Special Access Projects.. (Deep Underground bunkers, and the secret space program)… Especially in the Antarctic and Patagonia…”

This makes sense because on the one hand we have an official US Defense Department budget of $651 billion for 2015 and yet that same Defense Department issues a report saying that $6.5 trillion (ten times the official budget) went “missing.”

This may mean the UFO people are finally going to get some real disclosure about the secret space program they have long talked about.


Certainly, one of the individuals who will be attending the meeting being arranged by the WDS between the Asian secret societies and the military industrial complex claims connections to the off-world military. The Asian secret societies also claim off-world contact. The question is will something credible be shown to what they call the “surface population” of this planet, ie people like you and me. Hopefully we will have better information and proof next week but do not hold your breath because we are being told the disclosure will be gradual so as “not to shock people.”


In any case, back here on the “surface” of the planet, signs of systemic collapse of the current power system are proliferating. Most recently we have seen the US “pivot to Asia” becoming increasingly untenable. The latest setbacks are centered in the Philippines. There President Rodrigo Duterte has stopped joint patrols with the US navy and ordered US special forces out of Mindanao.


Here is some raw intel on this issue from CIA sources in Asia:


“The cover story as you know, is that Duterte has called for the withdrawal of US troops in Mindanao, supposedly to keep them from being killed by the terror group Abu Sayyaf. Which as we know is a black ops terrorist organization financed by the Boys… the real reason the special ops troops are there is to watch over the giant gold stash. The cabal is intent on removing it very soon for their own purposes… Duterte knows this, and has already made a tentative deal with both China and Russia to allow them to access the location. This is in exchange for a ‘piece of the action’ as well as protection from the US wet works team. There is a very large amount of Au stored there dating from before the Japanese Golden Lily operation.


This ties in with the Sultan of Sulu…and the Borneo gold…this is a dangerous game and an attempt will be made to remove Duterte permanently from the scene. He is aware of this already… I was told that the Au will be used as part of the new gold backed currency of which China, Russia, Iran and India will be a party to at the onset… other countries will join as well once the new system is up and running… they will need at least 1 million metric tons to make it feasible… the gold is available at several locations here is Asia…the percentage of gold that will back the new system can change as more countries join with their reserves.”


This, of course, will be another major topic of next weekend’s secret negotiations.


The situation in Japan is another subject that will be coming up. The Asians are on course with their plan to replace Shinzo Abe with Renho Murata, who just got elected as head of the official opposition Democratic Party. This of course means the Rockefellers, and their agents like Shinji Kawasaka (who claims to control “about a hundred” Japanese politicians), will rig the election for the Chinese in exchange for cash to keep them afloat. The WDS has no problems with Renho, who is a competent individual, but will make sure the Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton mafia is not kept afloat with Chinese money in exchange for selling Japan down the river.


The Rockefeller/Bush/Clinton mafia is not going to get its way in the Middle East either. Their puppet state, and major source of their oil money, Saudi Arabia is now in deep trouble, having lost their biggest military base in the South of the country. A clear sign of that country’s desperation is that they have asked tiny Bahrain for military help.


Knowledgeable non-royal Saudis are also coming out in public now and saying the regime will collapse.


Israel too is having a bad time of things. In September so far they have lost two satellites, two F16 airplanes, a submarine and a drone, Pentagon sources say. The US government approved a military aid package for Israel but Pentagon sources say this is just to keep military industrial complex factories going until the new financial system kicks in. They say the arms will never actually be delivered.


Israel has now been publicly exposed as having 200 nuclear weapons and will soon be publicly blamed for 911, Pentagon sources say.


In Egypt, meanwhile, government owned newspapers are saying 911 was an inside job by the West done to justify an invasion of the Middle East and that ISIS is a Western creation. For a government publication to say this is a clear declaration that Egypt has split with the Khazarian mafia rulers of the US.


The Russians, for their part, are saying the US military has been acting like the ISIS airforce after US planes killed over 60 Syrian troops last week. Pentagon sources say this was a provocation staged by the Khazarians in a desperate attempt to start a war with Russia. A war with Russia “will not be allowed,” the sources say.


The Europeans are also in open revolt against the US corporate government and its Khazarian overlords. In the latest move, Deutschebank, Europe’s largest bank, just told the US Justice Department to buzz off when they tried to impose a $14 billion fine on it.


Also in Europe, the home of the governor of the Greek central bank was raided by police. The investigation centers on central bank money that was allegedly laundered through the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention.


This may be connected to the Clinton Foundation investigation because it has been using medical charities around the world for money laundering. CIA sources have provided this writer with documents showing how the Clinton Foundation is laundering money in Papua New Guinea to pharmaceutical corporations.


Also, please take six minutes to watch this former President of the Haitian Senate describe in detail how the Clinton/Bush/Rockefeller criminals operate. At least watch the last minute where he says US drug money coming through Haiti was sent in “cornflake boxes,” and used to bribe lobbyists in Washington DC.


The autumn revolution is now definitely under way.


Translator: Pearl



Ver a imagem de origem

Kriegsgefangenenlager in Amerika

Von Larry Romanoff, 02. Juni 2020

Übersetzung: K.R.


Hinweis an die Leser: In Anbetracht der immensen Bedeutung dieses Themas leiten Sie diesen Artikel bitte über Ihren E-Mail-Verteiler weiter und posten Sie ihn in Ihren Blogs, Internetforen usw., mit der Bitte, dass jeder, der irgendwelche Details oder Familiengeschichten kennt, die Licht auf diese Ereignisse werfen könnten, diese bitte direkt an den Autor unter weiterleitet.


Diese Geschichte hat alle Voraussetzungen, um sich für eine Verschwörungstheorie zu qualifizieren und macht vielleicht keinen Sinn für Sie ohne einige Hintergrundinformationen über den Zusammenhang.

Bevor die USA in den Ersten Weltkrieg eintraten, wurde eine enorme, jahrelange antideutsche Propagandakampagne von der Creel-Kommission entfesselt, die von Walter Lippman und Edward Bernays geleitet wurde, letzterer war ein Neffe von Sigmund Freud. (1) (2) Die öffentliche Literatur griff alles Deutsche in Amerika an, auch Schulen und Kirchen. In vielen Schulen wurde den "reinen Amerikanern" verboten, die deutsche Sprache zu unterrichten, und die Verwalter wurden aufgefordert, "alle illoyalen Lehrer", also alle Deutschen, zu entlassen. Die Namen unzähliger Städte wurden geändert, um ihren deutschen Ursprung zu eliminieren: Berlin, Iowa wurde zu Lincoln, Iowa. Deutsche Lebensmittel und Namen von Gerichten wurden aus den Restaurants verbannt; Sauerkraut wurde zu "Freiheitskraut", Dackel wurden zu "Freiheitshunden" und Deutsche Schäferhunde zu "Elsässern".


bf pic



(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


Larry Romanoff,

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